Aviso legal
Company Name
JSC Ingenium, S.L.U.
Tax Identification Number
Registered Office
C/ Condesa de Venadito, 1. Planta 11 – 28027 Madrid (Spain)
Contact Details
Details of Commercial Registry record
Registered in the Madrid Commercial Registry sheet M-181286, volume 11547, book 0, folio 1, section 8, record 1ª
General Conditions
From the moment a user accesses the Website jscingenium.com (hereafter Website) they fully and unreservedly accept all of the provisions included in this Legal Notice.
JSC Ingenium reserves the right to modify these conditions unilaterally, at any time and without prior notice. In such cases, we will proceed to publish and notify users as early as possible.
It is therefore recommended that the user reads the General Conditions carefully every time that they wish to enter the website. As a result, you should not use this Website if you do not agree to its terms of use and the terms outlined below.
Through this website JSC Ingenium offers telecommunications engineering services, always seeking to satisfy the needs of our users, facilitating them access to the use of our services, guiding them in the steps that must be taken when browsing the website.
Terms of use of the Portal
The portal and its services must be used correctly.
All those who access this Website are obliged to use it in accordance with good faith, the law and the obligations contained in this legal notice, the particular conditions of certain services and any other instructions that JSC Ingenium may consider necessary for its proper use.
Access to the JSC Ingeniumwebsite is strictly prohibited for illegal or harmful purposes that directly or indirectly affect JSC Ingenium or third parties.
Consequently, the User undertakes to use the contents of the portal in a diligent, proper and lawful manner and agrees to refrain from:
- Using the contents for purposes contrary to the law, morality and good behavior or public order;
- Reproducing, copying, distributing, allowing public access through any form of public communication, transforming or modifying the contents, unless with the relevant permission of the owner;
- Using the Website to collect personal data from other users;
- Breaching or attempting to breach the Website’s security or authentication measures or those of any network connected to it, or the security or protection measures inherent in the content offered by the Website;
- Using the contents of the portal to send advertising, communications for the purpose of direct sales or any other kind of commercial purpose, unsolicited messages directed to multiple persons regardless of their purpose, as well as refraining from marketing or disclosing this information in any way.
Any Users wishing to establish a hyperlink or link between their website and the Website (jscingenium.com) must obtain prior authorization from JSC Ingenium by submitting a request to the following email address
Withdrawal of the Website
JSC Ingenium reserves the right to withdraw, modify, restrict or discontinue, either temporarily or permanently, access, browsing, use, hosting and/or downloading of the content and/or services of the Website, with or without prior notice, without the possibility of the user demanding compensation for this reason.
Intellectual Property
The work and creations offered on the Website (by way of example, and without the intention of being exhaustive: text, images, photographs, graphics, icons, technology, computer programs, websites, links, sound content, their graphic design and source codes, as well as our brand, domain names and other distinctive signs and, in general, any kind of work or creation included on the Website or used to identify it or to identify parts thereof) are subject to intellectual and industrial property rights, of which JSC Ingenium is the owner.
As it is an original work protected by Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights with all rights reserved for JSC Ingenium, reproduction or transmission, in any form or by any means, of part or all of the content of the material on this Website is not permitted. At no time may it be the object of copying, modification or decompilation of the source code by reverse engineering or any other technique to that effect.
Any logos other than JSC Ingenium that may appear on the Website belong to their respective owners, who are in all cases responsible for any possible controversy that may arise with respect to them. The placing of these on JSC Ingenium‘s Website has in any case been subject to prior communication and acceptance by them.
The Web design is the property of JSC Ingenium, and this includes its programming, editing, compilation and other elements required for it to operate. It will therefore be necessary to obtain the express written authorization of JSC Ingenium for its partial or total reproduction, as well as for exploitation, distribution and marketing in general.
Any infringement of the provisions of this section shall be considered to be an infraction of the intellectual or industrial property rights of JSC Ingenium, giving rise to the legally established responsibilities to that effect and may be prosecuted by administrative, civil or criminal actions, as applicable.
All notifications and communications to JSC Ingenium by Users shall be considered effective, for all purposes, when addressed in any of the following ways:
- By mail to the following address: C/Condesa de Venadito 1, 11, 28027, Madrid, providing a photocopy of your DNI or alternative document to prove your identity.
- By email to this address:
In this sense, all Notifications sent by JSC Ingenium to the User shall be considered valid if they have been made using the details provided by them and sent by email or postal mail. To this end, the User declares that all the data they have provided are true and correct, and they undertake to inform JSC Ingenium of any changes relating to the notification details.
JSC Ingenium shall not be held responsible for damages of any nature that may be caused by the information contained on its Website. Nor will it be liable for any damages of any nature that may be due to the existence of viruses in users’ computer systems or files. Similarly, because of the presence of viruses in services provided by third parties through the Website, causing alterations to the computer system.
Persons using this Website shall assume all risks of use and JSC Ingenium, its directors, managers, employees and agents shall remain exempt from any and all damages, liabilities, losses, costs and expenses arising out of or related to the use of information on this Website.
Users specifically acknowledge and agree that JSC Ingenium is not responsible for the conduct of any other user.
Knowledge of Illegal Conduct
In the event that any User or third party considers that there are facts or circumstances that reveal the unlawful nature of the use of any Content and/or the carrying out of any activity on the Websites of JSC Ingenium, and that may constitute a violation of intellectual or industrial property rights or other rights, they are obliged to send a notice containing the following information:
- Name, address, telephone number and email address of the claimant.
- Specification of the alleged illegal activity carried out on the Portal and, in particular, in the case of an alleged violation of rights, a precise and specific indication of the protected content and its location on the Websites.
- Facts or circumstances that reveal the illegal nature of such activity.
The headings of the different clauses are for information only, and do not affect, qualify or expand the interpretation of these Terms of Use. Likewise, JSC Ingenium may modify all or part of these conditions as set out above.
The validity of these Terms of Use therefore goes hand-in-hand with the time that they are displayed, until they are modified wholly or partially, at which time the amended Terms will come into effect.
Irrespective of the provisions of the specific conditions that may be established, JSC Ingenium may terminate, suspend or discontinue access to the contents of the Website at any time and without notice, without this giving users the right to demand any compensation. After such termination, the prohibitions on the use of the contents set forth in these Terms of Use shall remain in force.
JSC Ingenium hereby informs you that it may make known and cooperate with the relevant police and judicial authorities if it detects any current infraction or if it suspects any crime of being committed.
If any of the provisions of these Terms of Use is declared null and void, in whole or in part, by any Court, Tribunal or administrative body, that shall not affect the other provisions contained in these Terms of Use.
The non-exercise or execution by JSC Ingenium of any right or provision contained in these Terms of Use shall not constitute a waiver of this, unless acknowledged and agreed in writing by them.
Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
For any dispute or issue affecting the Websites that depend on JSC Ingenium, Spanish law shall apply. The Courts and Tribunals of Madrid (Spain), and if applicable, consumer Arbitration Courts or similar to which JSC Ingenium is attached, shall be competent for the resolution of all conflicts arising out of or related to the use of this Website, at the time of the dispute arising. For any complaints regarding the use of our services you can send an email to this address: