Arquitectura 5G
TaaS -Telco as a service-
Wi-Fi Offload
Red Hiperelástica
Sistema BSS
Nodos 3G/4G/5G
Compact Core
Solución eSIM
Servicios Gestionados
Interworking Functions
Experiencia Digital-First
![JSC Ingenium - Photo](https://web-dev.jscingenium.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/jsc-ingenium-technology-photo_03.jpg)
La creciente competencia que suponen las aplicaciones OTT –over the top– ha impulsado la tecnología de voz sobre LTE (VoLTE), que permite ofrecer los servicios de alta capacidad y baja latencia que define el estándar de red 3GPP.
JSC Ingenium posee la flexibilidad, creatividad y visión necesarias para permitir a los operadores transformar sus redes móviles para dar soporte a la rápida introducción de todos los servicios de mensajería y voz convergentes sobre protocolo IP que se basan en IMS.
Ventajas de la red IMS de JSC Ingenium
JSC Ingenium posee capacidad para una potente integración y conocimiento del producto para garantizar el éxito en la prestación de extremo a extremo del servicio VoLTE
La solución de JSC Ingenium es la elección óptima para aquellos proveedores de servicios que deseen ofrecer VoLTE con una mejor relación calidad-precio y orientada hacia el futuro
Arquitectura de la Solución
La solución se basa en la tecnología SIP (Protocolo de Inicio de Sesión. Su amplia gama de prestaciones añadidas y su diseño agnóstico para todo tipo de terminales, hace de la solución VoLTE un elemento obligado en las redes core móviles existentes:
![JSC Ingenium - Technology: VoLTE IMS network](https://web-dev.jscingenium.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/jsc-ingenium-graphic-technology-volte-ims-network.png)
JSC Ingenium’s Telephony Application Server (TAS) is a standards-based, highly scalable product that provides real-time voice services and supplementary services over any IMS-enabled IP access network like 5G, LTE, and Wifi, including HD one to one calling and call conferencing.
JSC Ingenium’s TAS is designed to enable seamless mobility, service continuity, and consistency with the legacy 2G/3G mobile network.
Main functions and features:
- 3GPP TS 24.229 compliant IMS Application Server.
- GSMA IR.92 Supplementary Services.
- Flexible IMS User Profile Management via Sh Interface (3GPP 29.364 compliant).
- Multi-tenancy support.
- Powerful Service Creation Environment.
JSC Ingenium VoLTE IMS solution provides 3GPP compliant CSCF functions.
- The Proxy-CSCF is the first contact point within the VoLTE IMS network, providing key features like:
- Topology Hiding.
- Screening of SIP signaling.
- Authentication selection.
- Registration of different types of clients in IMS core network.
- Emergency Services.
- Call Release.
- QoS Packet Marking.
- IPv6/v4 support and translation.
- I-CSCF is a contact point within a VoLTE IMS network for all connections destined to a subscriber of the CSP:
- Assign an S-CSCF based on received capabilities from the HSS.
- Transit network call routing function.
- The brain of the VoLTE IMS, JSC Ingenium’s S-CSCF complies with 3GPP specifications, that acts as a SIP registrar in the IMS network and generates charging records for call session setups.
The SBC is the core of the VoLTE IMS, where it provides the underlying functions for media and signaling security, access management, and routing and policy management. The SBC also provides a suite of functionality to address service access needs for any VoIP network
JSC Ingenium’s IP-SM-GW function enables flexible and policy-driven IP messaging application server with intelligent routing and multiple domain delivery capabilities that provides a complete suite of messaging services on a single platform. The IP-SM-GW product is standard compliant and smoothly interwork with legacy SMS service. Applying the same business logic makes the integration between SMS and Instant messaging seamless.