On Monday 3 December 2018, the offices of the Ingenium Group opened their doors with a new colour. Our SUMA blue gave this winter morning a special tinge. Today we are beginning a new era, and we want to tell everyone all about it.
Just over 6 years after its entry into production and after having deployed more than 20 MVNOs in Spain, which has made it the country’s leading independent MVNA Platform and an international benchmark, as of today, 3 December 2018, Ingenium Outsourcing Services –IOS– is changing its brand to SUMA móvil.
According to Ramón Escalona, Head of MVNA Business Unit at SUMA Spain, this is part of a clear strategy to unify the brand used to provide a service as an MVNA Platform internationally and to exploit possible new synergies worldwide. The SUMA móvil brand is currently operational in Colombia, Chile and Spain, and work is under way on its deployment in other countries in 2019.
There is also a change of philosophy behind the change of brand, says Mario Mendiguren, Marketing Director of SUMA. The SUMA móvil brand clearly represents the way we work and understand our business. In addition to our experience in the deployment and operation of MVNOs, we now have the renewed desire to improve and keep growing, to add new ideas, new services and new goals.
IOS –Ingenium Outsourcing Services–, a subsidiary of Grupo Ingenium Tecnología, was established in 2012, offering mobile telephony services using JSC Ingenium‘s MVNA technology. Since then, it has deployed more than 20 MVNOs in Spain with different business models, triple and quadruple play operators, ethnic operators, services for individuals and businesses, super-niche services, Machine to Machine, Multi-IMSI, VoIP, services for social groups and communities, …
SUMA móvil is a company of:
For more information: Grupo Ingenium / SUMA móvil